In other words, big massive international photo fest!!
With projections, lectures, workshops, panel discussions, symposiums, book signings, reviews and over 50 photographic exhibitions presented in anything from 12th century churches to industrial buildings, this is opening week! Maddog!!
Christian Lacroix: a couturier who, through photography, has revisited the Arlésienne.
This exhibition, in a beautiful old church, had Lacroix's research on display as well. It represented the historical design elements behind hair and costume. Really interesting the hairstyles and bonnets that would align symmetrically with the profile. Amazing!
Selfie with Lacroix
8 Jeunes photographes à connaître avant que n'importe qui les connaisse.
(See Franck for translation)
Basically 8 photographers presenting their show was in Garage de l'hotel Nord-Pinus. The sites are truly awesome!! I had arrived on the Sunday night and while most of the big installations were up there was still a lot of painters running around with ladders and tools finishing off galleries. The opening day followed. It is buzzing!!
David Bailey with over 25 years of his work.
In the last few days I have been 'exposed' to some amazing work from retrospectives to collections to new work by greats and discovered work by curators from around the world. Vik Muniz's (from Brazil) latest work is giant images all made from family photos and postcards.... A M A Z I N G ..PLEASE check this guy out.... They are made up of thousands of torn up photos and postcards, so painterly and stunning! Am looking forward to his lecture!
Vik Munz
Being in Arles is like being in Van Gogh's work. It makes Arles feel like home, he seriously nailed the very essence of the Provence. So apart from participating in the most stimulating festival I have ever had the pleasure to be a part of, I am also chasing Van! I walked forever to find this.
Pont Van Gogh
In the evenings there are projections that are mostly narratives, set to music and presented in old massive roman era courtyards or amphitheatres. Stunning.
Palais de l'Archeveche
Projections new work
and a day is never complete with out fooooooooood!!
Even the food is artistic!!